Interview: Takeru Sato

Takeru SATOH

The good people of Encore films helped forward some questions to Takeru Sato for us. Unfortunately, he only had time to answer three of them, but his responses are below. Enjoy!


  1. How did you prepare for your part?



  1. 準備で言うと、スカッシュをやるシーンがあったので、スカッシュの練習をしました。特に役作り、というようなことをあまり意識していなかったのですが、意識下で現実なのか、非現実なのか、とはっきりわからないとことがこの映画の面白いところなので、観ている人にこれはどっちなのだろう?、と思わせるような、浩市の今いるところは現実なのか、非現実なのか、無意識なのか、と思ってもらえたらいいなと思って演じました。そういった微妙なところが難しくもありました。

Speaking about preparing process, it will be the squash scenes. I had to go for practise sessions for squash. I did not undergo any special preparation for the role. The interesting part of this film is making the audience wonder and guess if that moment is the reality or not, if Koichi is currently in the reality or fantasy or unconscious state of mind. To portray this ambiguous situation is quite difficult.

2. Which is your most memorable scene in the movie? And which is the most challenging to film?


2. 印象に残っているシーンは、浩市が淳美の意識下に潜入していくと、淳美の部屋に行くんですが、淳美の部屋のシーンが割りと全て印象に残っていますね。セットがとても好きでした。何か変な感じになるセットで、映画で観た時も淳美と浩市がその部屋にいるシーンが僕は一番好きでした。


What leaves a deep impression in me was the setting of Atsumi’s room when Koichi enters Atsumi’s subconscious. I love the setting very much. It was a rather peculiar set up. Even when I watch the movie after completion, I still like the set a lot. The challenge I face would be squash I think.

3. What would you do if (in real life) you were separated from your loved one because he/she fell in a coma?


3. もしこの映画みたいに意識下に入れるセンシングみたいな機械があるとしたら、僕も恋人の意識下に入っていって昏睡状態から救ってあげたいです。

If Sensing is really possible like in the film, I would go into the subconscious of my loved one and save her like how Koichi did.

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